becareful with what you’re wish for

Dear God,
Can I have a day off?
Just one day, God.
Not much, isn’t it?

I need to lay down for a while, God.
I’m tired and emotionally unstable.
But everytime I get uncontrol,

they keep saying that I’m crazy.
They said I was being ungrateful.

Please, let me have a little break.
Not doing the laundry.

Nor cleaning the house.
Not cooking.
And listening those scream & tantrum.
However, nobody ever thanked me for everything I do.

Dear God,
I just need to have a good and deep sleep.
I’m exhausted.

Physically and emotionally.

Lelaki itu terpekur memandangi secarik kertas yang berisi tulisan tangan istrinya. Tuhan telah menjawab permintaannya. Bahkan tak cuma sehari tapi selamanya.

Suka dengan artikel ini? Yuk bagikan :)


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