Thank you for choosing me every day, to be your wife.
Thank you for growing with me and covering me.
Every single day, I am grateful for you.
Marriage is not a fairy tale where a prince and a princess live happily ever after.
Instead, it’s a lifetime work.
There are times we feel like we want to give up,
But more times we feel that we couldn’t live without each other.
Our seven years of marriage isn’t easy.
We’ve been through a lot.
Being together,
And Downs.
But here we are still going strong, InsyaAllah.
Happy anniversary and for many more years to come.
Lifestyle blogger yang suka berbagi tentang review produk, kisah sehari-hari, pengalaman parenting dan banyak lagi. Juga suka menulis resensi buku dan produk skincare di blog alfakurnia.com
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selamat yaa
smoga hidup kalian makin berkah, amin 🙂
Aamiin… Aamiin… Makasih om. Doa yang sama untuk om Warm dan tante Honey 🙂